Prize Indemnity Services
Our Services
Risk Free Mega Promotions
Our team can help you design a prize coverage strategy that removes risk and increases the impact of your promotions.
Eliminate Promotional Risk
Create Bigger and Better Promotions
Generate More Excitement & Results
Sports Promotions
Covering the half-court shot is just the beginning. We work in nearly every sport, from archery to yachting and everything in between.
Trade Show Promotions
We have dozens of simple, yet BIG promotions that will drive more traffic to your booth and generate more leads.
Casino Promotions
Reward your best players with a chance at a big prize. We can provide custom floor promotions, slot promotions and special events.
Media Promotions
Live television and radio promotions as well as digital promotions enhance live events and create more excitement.
Digital Promotions
Instant win games, sweepstakes, raffles –we can assist you with your next digital mega-promotion.
Retail & Packaged Goods Promotions
Everyone loves a chance to win. Big prizes offered at retail or in relation to specific products have proven to drive sales. We navigate the complexities and generate results.
Our Process
How it Works
Initial Inquiry
You provide your prize concept and the details of your event, including your overall promotional goals.
We determine prizing options, based on your budget and risk objectives.
Most cases are indemnified using a contract, which removes the risk from you and your organization, in case of a winner.
You hold your event and cheer on the participants and hope there is a winner!
Winner Confirmation
In case there is a winner, you provide the confirmation as set forth in the contract.
Payout the Prize(s)
After confirmation that the terms of the contract are met, FUGU pays the winners on your behalf.